Resources to Check Out

Hey there— thanks for reading our open letter about marriage equality! Interested in learning more? Here’s a list to get you started of resources on LGBT issues and advocacy within Muslim communities. Please check these sites out— and feel free to share and respond with your own thoughts!

— Reza Aslan and Hasan Minhaj

Muslims in Support of LGBTQI Equality

LGBTQI Muslim Resource Organizations

LGBTQI Muslim Information Resources

LGBTQI Muslim Blogs

Online Communities for LGBTQI Muslims

Books about LGBTQI Muslims

Films about LGBTQI Muslims

Videos about LGBTQI Muslims

Articles about America’s first openly gay Imam

8 thoughts on “Resources to Check Out

  1. I liked your outreach to those who aren’t “there” yet. I try to make the same case to the American Christian community – respectfully and gently.

    I am sure the Quran is much like the Bible in that there is a lot of content that you can engage in many ways depending on how you are “wired”


  2. Reza and Hassan, thanks for your commentary and support for LGBTQIA Muslims. Great to be mentioned in an issue that has its important in respecting human rights are for all people. Continued support.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great admirer of you, Reza. Loved the article you penned with Hassan. As an atheist, I firmly believe in the rights of all my fellow citizens. Such a reasonable concept.


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